Old versions of Emacs

Lars Brinkhoff lars at nocrew.org
Fri Oct 21 13:48:45 CDT 2016

Chris Hanson wrote:
> Do you have any of the “GNU” emacs versions that were derived from
> Unipress/Gosling emacs, prior to the clean-room rewrite of the Gosmacs
> code? (Were those ever widely distributed?)

I seem to have stumbled upon a GNU Emacs 13.8.  I'll post this
src/display.c snippet as evidence:

       /               \
      /                 \
     /                   \
     |   XXXX     XXXX   |
     |   XXXX     XXXX   |
     |   XXX       XXX   |
     \         X         /
      --\     XXX     /--
       | |    XXX    | |
       | |           | |
       | I I I I I I I |
       |  I I I I I I  |
        \             /
         --         --
   XXX                    XXX
  XXXXX                  XXXXX
         XXXXX   XXXXX
         XXXXX   XXXXX
  XXXXX                  XXXXX
   XXX                    XXX

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