Unibus disk controller with modern storage

william degnan billdegnan at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 20:07:58 CDT 2016

OH yah

Bill Degnan
twitter: billdeg
On Oct 19, 2016 6:48 PM, "shadoooo" <shadoooo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I read several posts about Unibus disk interfaces and emulation.
> One of my retrocomputing dream is to design an Unibus universal board,
> probably based on FPGA because of precise timing requirements,
> to emulate one or more disk/tape interfaces, and possibly something more.
> The real storage could be based on SD card, so very easy to be moved
> to a PC for imaging and data transfer.
> Probably a low level emulation would be quite easy, while a more complex
> solution (MSCP) could be more difficult.
> The board itself wouldn't be cheap at all, because PCB would be big,
> and because FPGA aren't cheap either.
> Probably it would be anyway cheaper than an MSCP-SCSI, and it would be far
> more
> flexible.
> From what I understand, there could be a great demand of a such interface
> here around?
> Andrea

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