IBM 6715 / actionwriter "daizy" typewriter "RS232" port ??

GerardCJAT gerardcjat at
Thu Oct 13 07:40:12 CDT 2016

I know it is a long shoot !

The IBM 6715 / Actionwriter was one of the last daizy wheel typewriter made by IBM Germany.
( said to be made to last at least half century, German design   ;-)  )

It has "kind" of a RS232 port on the back, 

I was unable to find any information on this port which was intended to support two "extremely rare" !!! IBM options
one beeing a REAL RS232 port, the other some kind of display of the two last line typed.

I wonder if someone has even connected this typewriter to a computer.

It would be fun to use it like a "modern" TTY

but I think the problem is probably that this typewriter expect a "lot of" (??) proprietary commands to set
type spacing, margins, baud rate etc ....

Any advice ?? Any help ??

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