NWA auctions

jim stephens jwsmail at jwsss.com
Thu Oct 13 13:27:29 CDT 2016

On 10/13/2016 10:20 AM, Brent Hilpert wrote:
> On 2016-Oct-13, at 12:35 AM, jim stephens wrote:
>> On 10/12/2016 11:04 PM, Josh Dersch wrote:
>>> Any idea what this might be?  Looks interesting, but not a lot of information to go by apart from the "Display Systems Incorporated" badges...
>>> https://grafeauction.proxibid.com/aspr/Portable-simulator-display-screens/32464587/LotDetail.asp?lid=32464587
>>> - Josh
>> There is a horribly stylized some set of letters in front of the Display Systems Incorporated.  I don't know if I could figure it out even if the photo was close up and focused.  I hate designers. Typical crap they pull, make logos with letter you can't figure out if you tried.
>> The blurry blob to the left the tie first "D" is some set of letters or a word, can't tell.
> The blurry blob logo is the letters "dsi" in lowercase, done in a kind of stencil font or font with a widely varying line width.
Went for a quarter.

I looked at the photography of the interior of several of the 747 
simulator heads, and there appear to be some with bare CRTs mounted on 
edge like the ones on this unit.  There are a couple of other "portable 
screens" as well.  I suspect when they were working on the simulations 
in the machine room they used these as temporary hookups to see what was 
appearing in the cockpits by hooking them up to the actual machines.

Also, I found another complete Evans and Sutherland machine here. Mr 
H*****t got it as well, rather cheap.  I hope as others have said this 
is not a scrapper, since a large price was paid for the 11/45 that buyer 
seems to have purchased.

The two bay 11/45 went for twice the bid, since it was listed as 2 pcs @ 
1500 each == $3000 total.



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