Micro Fiche Library.

Jörg Hoppe j_hoppe at t-online.de
Wed Oct 5 03:16:24 CDT 2016


you surely found it on the web already, but if not:
Two years ago I build an own scanning rig and scanned 50000+ pages of 
XXDP listings.
The problem of enhancing very bad fiches is also addressed with an 
expensive "Filter Chain".



Am 04.10.2016 um 06:49 schrieb Rod Smallwood:
> Hi All
>         I have just had a huge DEC Miro Fiche library  given to me.
> It has the portable (weighs a ton) reader with it.
> On trying it out.  I found the results were awful.
> A good clean of the light path and removal of some disintegrating foam 
> improved things no end.
> That left two issues:
>      1.    The reader was for x 42 but the fiches are  x52.
>      2.    The plastic fiche holder consisting of two sheets of stiff 
> and clear plastic connected together at one end is scratched to hell.
> I'd like to work to-wards scanning all of the library into a system.
> Anybody know anything about fiche scanners.
> Rod

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