PDP-8e power switch key?

Ethan Dicks ethan.dicks at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 23:07:16 CST 2016

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 11:35 PM, W2HX <w2hx at w2hx.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> What are people doing for keys for the 8e?

I've been carrying a standard DEC key on my keyring since 1982...

> Is there a standard key used for all of them?

Nearly all (a custom key was an option - I have only ever seen *1* DEC
machine that does not use either an ACE XX2247 or a pinless key, out
of many dozens).

> Or do I need to have one made with some specific serial number of my key lock?  I did some googling of this issue but wasn't able to get info.

There should be _lots_ of info on DEC ACE XX2247 keys including pin
depths and even 3D models.


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