Rogue: Mctesq was here

Antonio Carlini arcarlini at
Tue Nov 22 13:42:06 CST 2016

On 20/11/16 05:39, Richard Loken wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Nov 2016, Antonio Carlini wrote:
>> There is a rogue that runs on VAX/VMS as I definitely played it a 
>> little back in the day.
>> I don't think I had the sources, just a .EXE, so that may not work so 
>> well for Alpha.
> Now THAT is interesting!  I wonder where it went to?
I do have some backup TK50 cartridges that *may* cover that era.

First I need to dig out a system with a TK50/TK70 drive on it and see if 
it still works.
Then I'll need to go through the cartridges I do have and archive them.

Whether the old games made it out of university with me or not is 
another matter.

Ping me again in a month or so to see how far I've got !

arcarlini at

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