VAX/VMS Pascal, Modula-3, Oberon, what could have been....

Jon Elson elson at
Wed Nov 2 20:30:41 CDT 2016

On 11/02/2016 06:38 PM, Mark Wickens wrote:
> I recently discovered the very excellent website 
> devoted to all things Wirth.
I did a lot of work in Pascal on VAX and Windows systems in 
the '80s or so, and have some legacy programs that were in 
use until recently.  I was VERY pleased to discover FPC 
(Free Pascal Compiler) which implements the Borland and DEC 
extensions very well.  A big program that was one of the 
last Pascal programs I wrote in Borland turbo Pascal for 
Windows converted Gerber photoplotting language to a raster 
file.  I was able to get it recompiled on Linux using FPC in 
just a few days, and it runs fine (better in fact than the 
And, of course, it is again maintainable!


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