strangest systems I've sent email from

Liam Proven lproven at
Tue May 24 15:29:48 CDT 2016

On 22 May 2016 at 04:52, Guy Sotomayor Jr <ggs at> wrote:
> Because the 808x was a 16-bit processor with 1MB physical addressing.  I
> would argue that for the time 808x was brilliant in that most other 16-bit
> micros only allowed for 64KB physical.

Er, hang on. I'm not sure if my knowledge isn't good enough or if that's a typo.

AFAIK most *8* bits only supported 64 kB physical. Most *16* bits
(e.g. 68000, 65816, 80286, 80386SX) supported 16MB physical RAM.

Am I missing something here?

I always considered the 8088/8086 as a sort of hybrid 8/16-bit processor.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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