Commodore C2N datasette belts (was Re: Classics long overdue a Boot.)

Ethan Dicks ethan.dicks at
Fri May 20 11:18:57 CDT 2016

On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 7:11 PM, Adrian Graham
<witchy at> wrote:
> Last ones?! EVAR?!1one. Horrors. Don't tell Modern-Radio-Bolton otherwise
> the belts I bought recently for my Commodore C2N/1530s etc might evaporate
> in a puff of logic

Do you have the dimensions on that belt handy?  All of my Commodore
tape drives are erratic due to aged belts.  I can't get good reads and
I have some PET Rabbit-format tapes to read (long ago, I digitized my
standard CBM tapes).

I'll likely order from this side of the pond, but I just need to know
what size(s) work(s).


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