classics I threw away or sold ... foolishly

Swift Griggs swiftgriggs at
Wed May 18 16:11:35 CDT 2016

On Wed, 18 May 2016, Ben Sinclair wrote:
> That's a fun and depressing exercise...

Hee hee. I thought so, or perhaps I was just looking for company in my 
mock-misery :-)

> 2. Polymorphic 8813

That thing looks rad. It's partially made from wood. Bonus. 

> 4. Apple ///

Aww man! 

> 5. Next slab... But I just got another!

Hehe, right on. Are you going to run NeXTStep or something else on it? Did 
you get a color framebuffer by chance?

> I had a Wizard OZ-7000 when they were new. It was fun, but the 8000 was 
> much better, mainly because of the keyboard layout.

True, but the 7000 had an interesting form factor and shape. I loved by 
8000, though. 


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