Is there an authoritative copy of the PDP 11 Field Guide?

william degnan billdegnan at
Sat May 7 15:47:48 CDT 2016

On Sat, May 7, 2016 at 2:04 PM, paul popelka <trenchdweller at> wrote:

>  blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px
> #715FFA solid !important;  padding-left:1ex !important;
> background-color:white !important; }  I've been using Megan Gentry's copy
> at but that seems to have disappeared
> recently.There seem to be several other copies available with different
> update dates.
> Which copy of this do other people use?Thanks,Paul
They're all pretty much the same.  Everyone seems to have copies of the

I have been lobbying for, should there actually be someone here who
maintains *the* authoritative canonical PDP 11 field guide, to
differentiate between the original PDP 11/10 as it is listed in the 1969
and 1970 PDP 11 Handbooks from the 1973 version of the same name.  See page
1 of the 1970 edition for example.

Check the original 1969 PDP 11 handbook, then read each one through to the
1974 version and you'll see what I mean.  The "2nd 11/10" did not even
appear along with the original 11/05 at first.  It's not in the 1972
handbook.  The 1st version is a KA11 like the 11/20, the 2nd version is a
totally different machine.

I climb down from my soap box.

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