ND-10 software - Re: Harris H800 Computer

Tor Arntsen kspt.tor at gmail.com
Tue May 3 20:20:39 CDT 2016

On 4 May 2016 at 01:25, Torfinn Ingolfsen <tingox at gmail.com> wrote:
> Update on NDwiki:

> I've been in contact with the persons responsible for NDwiki.
> Unfortunately, the Swedish gentleman who ran ndwiki.org got very busy
> with real life just after his server died, and still hasn't found time
> to get a new server up.
> The contingency plan was put in motion; the necessary data was sent to
> another Swedish gentleman so that he could set up a server and get
> NDwiki up on that. Bad luck again; he also got too busy with real
> life. He doesn't expect to be able to get the server up until this
> fall. :-/
> I'm currently investigating if me running the server as a temporary
> solution (until the Swedes have time to take over) is something they
> could agree on.
> There might be hope for NDwiki yet.
> --
> Regards,
> Torfinn Ingolfsen

Ah, positive news. In the meantime I've been half-busy creating a
local (private, for now) re-construction of NDwiki, from archive.org.
For at least to have easy access to some of the docu I wrote that I
don't have elsewhere.. (ND floppy formats, for example). Slow work, of
course, with no copy of the database available. BTW in case you don't
have a public server available I do have a mostly spare Linode server,
or alternatively I could get another - they're relatively cheap, and
have great network access.


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