Rolm Computers: 1602, 1602A, 1602B, 1666, MSExx (was Data General Nova Star Trek)

Christian Kennedy chris at
Tue May 3 13:35:48 CDT 2016

On 5/3/16 08:41, Erik Baigar wrote:


> Yours seems to have TTY in slot 13 and there are 5 IO slots (15-
> 11) as on the original 1602 (1602B has got more due to the re-
> duced number of PCBs in the CPU). The CPI controlling the panel in
> your case is at the very end opposite to the power supply and
> inbetween you have got two core stacks - in total 32kW I think.
> A 1602B can hold 64kW of memory (only accessible via a banking
> function proprietary to Rolm, so not usable e.g. for RDOS).

I thought the 16xx did it the same way Keronix and DCC did it -- by
limiting indirection to one level and then using the high order bit for
address rather than indicating indirection?

> Have you ever powered on your 1666 with the 1648 panel? Although
> the 1666 was quite popular in the US I think the non US customers
> preferred the MSE14 due to better compatibility with the DG Eclipse
> series...

IIRC we sold a bunch of 1666Bs to the US Navy in YUK/something

Christian Kennedy, Ph.D.
chris at	AF6AP | DB00000692 | PG00029419	PGP KeyID 108DAB97
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