AT&T Uverse IPv6 vs. Mac OS X 10.6

Rick Murphy rick at
Mon Mar 28 19:00:40 CDT 2016

At 12:36 AM 3/28/2016, Tapley, Mark wrote:
>On Mar 26, 2016, at 5:19 PM, Jerry Kemp <other at> wrote:
> > Just curious if something specifically is broken or non-fixable 
> with the 10.6.8 IPv6 stack?]

No, there's nothing broken with OSX. I have a functioning IPv6 network 
here at home, with OSX 10.4 and 10.6 and a few iOS variants which don't 
have any problems. It's sad that they can't get this right. I'm on 
Verizon FiOS which doesn't have IPv6 at all. Seems like these carriers 
just don't want to give us what we need.

Oh, I just figured it out: they're providing "Unlimited" IPv6. :)

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