Honneywell multics? from panels. the inline phots in this message folks...

Charles Anthony charles.unix.pro at gmail.com
Sat Mar 12 13:23:33 CST 2016

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 10:57 AM, <COURYHOUSE at aol.com> wrote:

> and   for    horrible  deep level maint.  I would imagine  they  would be
> useful....
> they look  like  something too  complex to let  operations level  people
> diddle  with...
>  but  are  these  used with exactly WHICH   Honeywell  system?  If  we
> are  going to display them need to tell the right story in the museum.
> Ed#

If the registers A and Q are 36 bit, then it is from the GE-600 line, which
over time included the 615, 625, 635, 645, 655. GE sold the line off to
Honeywell where it became the Honeywell 6000 series: 6025, 6030, 6040,
6050, 6070, 6080, 6180. After Honeywell merged the line with Bull, the
machines were named (at various times) Level 66, Level68, DPS-8, DPS-8M,
DPS-88,  DPS-90, DPS-9000.

So 'GE-600 series' is a safe bet.

If one of the panels has a section labeled 'Appending Unit', then it was a
Multics machine, GE-645, DPS-8M, or (I think) 6040/6080/6180.

If you want a better estimate, I can ask some of the Multicians to look at
the pictures; or, if you know what site the panels came from, there exists
pretty good documentation about what was at which sites.

-- Charles

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