OT: lenses (Was: Front Panels - PDP8 and PDP 11

Zane Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Thu Mar 10 19:10:22 CST 2016

> On Mar 10, 2016, at 2:49 AM, COURYHOUSE at aol.com wrote:
> Paul - My  darkroom  became a storage  room!

About 4-5 years ago my “Computer Lab” became my darkroom. :-)  Though my Commodore 64 is setup between my Beseler 23C and my Beseler 45MX enlargers. :-)  One of these days I have a darkroom project I want to do that involves using the Commodore 64.

> still have the monster 5x7 durst enlarger w/ vacuum easel that I had  since 
> the 70s. what a beast!  then I have small  2x3 omega  to  pull  strips of 
> negatives though to print.
> yea  the digital stuff was a game changer indeed…

Digital does have some advantages, but it also brings a lot of new challenges, when you’re doing “fine art” prints like I am.  The 10 prints I’ll be delivering to a Gallery on Saturday just about drove me crazy, due to strange tone issues with a couple prints.  Such issues would have been trivial with traditional darkroom printing.


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