DEC Rainbow 100B For Sale, Manchester, UK

Rob Jarratt robert.jarratt at
Sun Jun 26 08:02:51 CDT 2016

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-bounces at] On Behalf Of Robert
> Jarratt
> Sent: 21 May 2016 18:42
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> <cctalk at>
> Subject: DEC Rainbow 100B For Sale, Manchester, UK
> I have a DEC Rainbow 100B in the upright pedestal for sale. It comes with
> 128K of memory, a hard disk controller with hard disk cable, an RX50 drive
> and the graphics option. It is just the base unit and the pedestal, there
is no
> keyboard, monitor or hard disk included. I collected this machine recently
> and had to replace the shorted EMI filter on the input of the PSU with
> something more modern, so it is a working machine.
> When I have been given a machine for free that I can't keep, then I give
> away. In this case, this one cost me money to buy and repair, so this time
> am selling it. I would much prefer collection as it is quite large. If I
must ship it
> then so be it, but it may take me a while to find a suitable box to ship
it in,
> and I may have to add that to the cost.
> Pictures here:
> <!5858&authkey=!
> AC9g74
> Lag3CoW5k&ithint=folder%2cjpg>
> &authkey=!AC9g74Lag3CoW5k&ithint=folder%2cjpg
> Looking for offers.

This machine is once again available, because I decided I was not willing to
ship it after all. Please do not ask me to ship it, this is collection only,
although if you aren't too far away and will cover my fuel costs I can bring
it to you. Remember, despite the photos, there is no keyboard, monitor or
hard disk included.

Pictures here:!5858&authkey=!AC9g74L



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