VCFed auction updates

Rod Smallwood rodsmallwood52 at
Tue Jun 14 08:57:32 CDT 2016

On 14/06/2016 12:17, jwsmobile wrote:
> On 6/14/2016 1:26 AM, Rod Smallwood wrote:
>> Well the signature does not a lot for me but the system looks really 
>> nice.
>> Just as I remember them.
> Wozniak signed systems sell for a lot more than unsigned. Assuming the 
> bit Woz isn't faked of course, so one needs to get good authentication.
> I have an original unit I bought with a packing box, but I don't know 
> if I'll bring it along.  PS died some years ago, otherwise all 
> original as I bought it from Advanced Computer Products.  It would be 
> cool to get it signed if he comes by and is in the mood to do so.
> Thanks
> Jim
Might be worth getting the PS fixed then.
Woz sounds like a nice guy.
With that kind of money you would not normally care much.


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