Accessing a TK50 or TK70 from RT

Rod Smallwood rodsmallwood52 at
Mon Jun 13 02:04:14 CDT 2016

On 13/06/2016 02:33, r.stricklin wrote:
> On Jun 12, 2016, at 7:38 AM, Rod Smallwood wrote:
>>       Well its not always the tape.  I have three instances of tapes that would not feed or lace up where I got rid of the problem without doing anything to the tape at all.  In fact all subsequent tapes have had no problems.  It took 30 seconds and apart from taking the metal cover off the back off the drive I dismantled nothing.
>>       If I am right and can run a load of tapes through the drive. Then I'll say what I did. If I'm wrong then nobody will needlessly try my method.     I will say its not cleaning the heads or the EOT sensors. You should do that any way.
> The metal tape path rollers are used as tachometers to make sure the tape is feeding at the correct speed. If the tape drags over them, the firmware will consider the transport jammed and abort. A drop or two of light machine oil over the axle has been enough to get the rollers moving again on my TK50s where this failure mode has occurred.
> There are multiple failure domains involved. Lubricating the feed roller spindles doesn't solve the sticky tape problem.
> ok
> bear.

We have a winner !!! yes that's what I did.
I had a small bottle of oil that came with my electric razor (Braun 
pronounced Brown not Brawn)
It even had a fine nozzle.  This is what you do.
Press each roller down (They are sprung) if they do not spring back up 
  then press down again to reveal the top of the shaft.
One tiny drop only where the roller meets the shaft
Do not spin or press the rollers.
Of course it doesn't fix the sticky tape problem.
But it will stop good tapes going in the trash.

I have also been trying bulk erasing tapes and  had partial success.
I used a six inch magnet that holds my  mobile antenna onto the car.
On INIT it no longer says write protect but it still falls over after 
about a minute.


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