Accessing a TK50 or TK70 from RT

Jerome H. Fine jhfinedp3k at
Sat Jun 11 22:01:22 CDT 2016

 >Jerry Weiss wrote:

>>>On Jun 11, 2016, at 10:14 AM, Jerome H. Fine <jhfinedp3k at> wrote:
>>>>Rod Smallwood wrote:
>>>I have had some success in fixing a couple of TK tape drives.
>>>They now load and unload every time you press the button.
>>>SFSG now to talk to them from RT.
>>>Using the diagnostics on the format (RX50) disk the Identify function shows the drive and by inference its controller.
>>>However its calls it MUX.  I seem to remember under RT you needed to do a SET or ASSIGN to link it to the driver.
>>>Anybody know the correct syntax  so I can init the tape and start to read and write files to and from it.
>>I really don't understand the question.
>>Whenever I used either the TK50 or the TK70 under RT-11,
>>the device name was TU0: and no SET or ASSIGN was required
>>unless the CSR and / or VECTOR needed to be modified - which
>>never happened since the standard CSR / VECTOR was always OK.
>>By the way, while the TK50 is mostly reasonable in WRITE mode
>>and COPY operations, a COMPARE leaves a lot to be desired.
>>The TK70 solves that problem.  If you must COMPARE with the
>>TK50, COPY the files(s) to a scratch disk first.
>>To initialize the tape for files:
>>INIT  TU0:
>>COPY  SY:*.SAV  TU0:
>>I suggest you use the NOREWIND option between files if you
>>are writing more than one file per command.  If you don't, you
>>will quickly realize why that option is preferred.
>>To initialize the take for a BACKUP:
>>You can check the results with:
>>DIR  TU0:
>>Jerome Fine
>Wouldn’t this be a TMSCP device and use the MU handler?
>If you have RT11 V5.x try the following commands
>.sho dev:mu 
>Device    Status                   CSR     Vector(s)
>------    ------                   ---     ————
>  MU      Installed               174500   260
>MU0: is set PORT =  0, UNIT =  0
>.load mu:
>.sh dev:mu
>Device    Status                   CSR     Vector(s)
>------    ------                   ---     ---------
>  MU      122160                  174500   260
>MU0: is set PORT =  0, UNIT =  0
>INIT MU0:  
>Use  MU0: in the examples instead of TU0:  Jerome has above.
Sorry about that - I apologize!!  You are correct!!!!

Please substitute MU for TU.

Jerome Fine

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