Model M Key Cap Replacement

Liam Proven lproven at
Mon Jun 6 09:29:52 CDT 2016

On 5 June 2016 at 18:01, Andrew M Hoerter <amh at> wrote:
> I have a couple of buckling-spring Unicomps as well as IBM model M's, and
> while I would agree that the IBM version is more heavily built, I think the
> Unicomp is of reasonable quality.  At least for people who don't plan to use
> it as a deadly weapon.
> It would have been nice if they had made the cable detachable though.
> Also, I'm not sure it's fair to call Unicomp a "clone", as I understand it
> they were either an OEM for IBM, or acquired the production assets from
> them, or something along those lines.  Pretty close to the real thing in my
> view.

I think IBM offloaded the keyboards line to Lexmark, who offloaded it
to Unicomp. So, yes, it's legit, you're right, not a clone.

The one unit I have tried felt rough and poorly-built compared to the
Real Thing, and it failed after a few months. I understand the owner
got a warranty repair and that failed, but I think he has a working
one now. As it happens I was chatting with his housemate today on
Twitter and I think it's still working now. But then, he is on the
list, so he could answer for himself if he liked. :-)

For an expensive keyboard, it did feel cheap to me -- including, as
you say, the captive cable. I would have liked to see proper onboard
USB using a standard cable, perhaps with a 2nd port for a mouse.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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