Station wagon full of tapes vs cigarette pack (was Re: thinking of the "ultimate" retro x86 PCs - what bits to seek/keep)

Adrian Stoness tdk.knight at
Fri Jun 3 20:38:19 CDT 2016

u reliuze theres 64gb and 128gb sd cards now right?

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 6:18 PM, Fred Cisin <cisin at> wrote:

> On Fri, 3 Jun 2016, Swift Griggs wrote:
>> Station Wagon full of tapes =  302.64 GB
>> Cigarette pack full of microSD = 880 GB
>> * Corrected volume calcs (least I think I did)
>> * Switched to 2400 ft tapes with 3M cases (thanks Chuck)
>> * Switched to MicroSD (but no SDHC) so.. 2G only
> Now for the cigarette box. I'm going to assume you mean the dimensions of
>>>> a *pack* of cigarettes, and since we are all really cool enlightened
>>>> smoker-people, we don't smoke 100s.
>>> I was unaware of that.
>> I'm hetero; so we stay away from 100's or 101's. If other folks aren't
>> we'll need to make adjustments since the pack is probably going to hold a
>> few more SD's.
> You know far more about cigarettes than I do.  I wasn't even aware that
> there was an associated sexual orientation.
> In Colorado, are there other kinds of cigarette packs available?
> Where are the endpoints?
>> We'll start at King Discount Cigarettes in LA. That's:
>> 10662 Riverside Dr, North Hollywood, CA 91602
>> The client is Rhode Island Hospital. It's:
>> 593 Eddy St, Providence, RI 02903
> Hmmm.
> Distance = 2971 miles on I-40, but I'd rather take I-80 so we can swing by
>> my place in Colorado on the way. So, that's actually 2998 miles. Sorry,
>> but hey, Colorado is more scenic and we have legal, uh, stuff there! I did
>> warn this was a Hunter S. Thompson sort of trip. We just have to be sober
>> when we get to RI, that's it.
> My first choice would have been US66, but that doesn't exist any more.
> Second choice would have been "Lincoln Highway", which became US40, which
> is walking distance from my house in Berkeley, to walking distance from my
> sister's place in DC.
> But US40 is no more, either, however it can be closely approximated by I80
> to SLC, then I70 east.
> So, we still get your stop in CO.   (for you to buy cigarette packs?)
> Google says 45h on the trip, but I'm game for using 50 since I need to
>> stop and, uhm, pee a lot. Plus, there are some really great retro computer
>> sites along the way! So, yeah, 50h.
> Double those stops.  I had prostate surgery in 2014.  It made Windoze
> updates look successful.
> whereas a cigarette pack of Micro-SDs could be in your pocket on a plane
>>> (if TSA will let you through)  How many cigarette packs can you fit into
>>> an accepted carry-on bag? (Nobody wants to pay excess for baggage!)
> WOULD TSA permit carrying multiple memory cards?
> How much would we charge per GB for data transfer?

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