IBM 3511

Louis Ohland ohland at
Tue Jul 26 11:58:01 CDT 2016

That is a SCSI enclosure built on a 95 frame.

This made sense with small capacity drives, but when you could stuff 1GB 
or bigger drives into a 95, it wasn't so appealing. IBM came out with 
OBI SCSI enclosures that cost less to make. 3517?

If you look at the video after the dude gets done wasting time about 
halfway through, you will notice there is a snap on rear blank bezel 
over Slots 4-8 and the planar ports area. A 68? pin SCSI bulkhead 
passthrough, a metal guard over the passthrough, and what you can't see 
behind the PSU is the load card, that has some big sandbars for load 
regulation. Do the math, the SCSI HDs might pull @ 150W maximum, there 
are no adapters to power, or planar, or complex.

You could stuff a 8595 or 9595 class single serial / single parallel 
port planar in there, add floppy and op panel cable, floppy cable, op 
panel, op panel bezel, HD sleds, HDs, and about 19? or so of the black 
chromate planar screws...

Oh, forgot complex, side wall fan, fan power contact assembly...

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