Found some stuff at the scrapyard

Curious Marc curiousmarc3 at
Sun Jul 17 20:03:32 CDT 2016

> On Jul 17, 2016, at 11:03 PM, tony duell <ard at> wrote:
> The ink is also corrosive. It can corrode the metal faceplate
> on the cartridge, then drip onto the flexible PCB that connects
> the cartridge to the rest of the printer and corrode that too. 
> If you ever have a Thinkjet with missing dots, that's what has
> happend (at least 99% of the time).
I do! One of them with a missing row of dots, and there was ink caked all over the contacts, and when I cleaned it, it seemed the contacts had been eaten away. That explains it! Fortunately I have a spare one for spare parts. Thanks Tony. 

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