Epson QX-10, battery removal

Hagstrom, Paul hagstrom at
Sun Jul 17 15:18:31 CDT 2016

> On Jul 17, 2016, at 3:37 PM, Paul Koning <paulkoning at> wrote:
>> On Jul 17, 2016, at 3:29 PM, Terry Stewart <terry at> wrote:
>> Hi Jules
>> I found removing my QX-10's battery stopped the machines working.  I tried
>> replacing it with a lithium battery after disabling the recharging circuit
>> but that didn't work either.
> In the early days of amateur radio transmitters with embedded microprocessors, some idiot manufacturers put the firmware (all of it) in battery backed RAM.  So if the battery went dead, you had a boat anchor, not a radio.
> I hope that sort of thing isn't what you're dealing with here...
> 	paul

I'd also very much like to know this too.  I have three of these things and would like not to lose them to a battery leak.  I have done zero investigation so far apart from taking a look and not seeing a visible battery problem.  But I was hoping to do a battery sweep later this summer, and these were among the ones I wanted to seriously look at de-batterying.  Anyone here successfully replaced the battery?  I honestly haven't checked the manuals to see if there are any notes on this, there might be.  I think I have the SAMS pamphlet on the QX-10 as well, which might say.  I'll look around and report back if I see anything relevant.


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