Wanted: VT5x roll-around stand

Fritz Mueller fritzm at fritzm.org
Tue Jul 12 02:08:25 CDT 2016

> Thanks for the info!  I can check the bottom of a VT52 to see what's
> there at those dimensions - feet or any corner/edge features.  Anyone
> have a photo handy of the bottom of a VT52?  With a scale ruler?  I
> can take one but it'll be a week or two until I'm in the right place.

Pic of bottom of VT52 w/ ruler:

https://drive.google.com/a/fritzm.org/file/d/0Bx_zOIQ4Z79ZbVBHa1dYSTlmQzA/view?usp=sharing <https://drive.google.com/a/fritzm.org/file/d/0Bx_zOIQ4Z79ZbVBHa1dYSTlmQzA/view?usp=sharing>

Thanks, Ethan and Barry!


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