word processor history -- interesting article (Evan Koblentz)

Rod Smallwood rodsmallwood52 at btinternet.com
Thu Jul 7 21:33:42 CDT 2016

On 08/07/2016 01:28, Liam Proven wrote:
> On 7 July 2016 at 20:31, Rod Smallwood <rodsmallwood52 at btinternet.com> wrote:
>> Try highlighting a word with shift and right arrow, then ctrlC.
>> Now move in your email  and type crtlV.
>> Yes Wordstar keyboard commands are alive and well.
> Nope. Sorry. Those aren't WordStar commands.
> They are CUA commands, adopted by more or less all GUIs. They're from
> the IBM CUA project, part of the SAA plan.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Common_User_Access
> WordStar commands for that operation would be:
> Mark beginning of block: ^K B
> Mark end of block: ^K K
> (WordStar did not allow block selection with the cursor keys.)
> Then, use the cursor keys or  to your destination position.
> Then, to copy:
> ^K C
> Or to move:
> ^K V
> Here's a reference:
> http://www.wordstar.org/index.php/wsemu-documentation/wsemu-commands-and-menus/1-wordstar-emulator-full-version-command-list
Ho Hum I ask understanding for seniors memory.


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