C-64 Time delay code?

Jacob Ritorto jacob.ritorto at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 11:14:49 CST 2016

On Jan 28, 2016, at 8:11 AM, Mike <tulsamike3434 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am still working on the Choose your own adventure game and I was
> wondering it there a
> code line to let the player have a few minuets to read the text before
> the "make your choice " pops up under the opening text.
> I know to most of you think this is a dumb question but I just can nopt
> find the correct dose  for this?

Sadly, Microsoft Basic v2.0 didn’t have much in that regard.  Most people just burned a cpu loop.

for de = 1 to 1000: next de

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