Terminal Emulation for Windows - supporting Kermit File

Martin.Hepperle at MH-AeroTools.de Martin.Hepperle at MH-AeroTools.de
Tue Jan 26 02:29:57 CST 2016

> Is there free-for-use Kermit alternative around to be used for
> Windows or another Terminal Emulation which supports Kermit
> File Transfers "out of the box"?
> Yes - I know Kermit 95, but this is not free.

As Rik said, TeraTerm is very useful and also offers Tektronix emulation,
ASCII up- and download and much more.

If you search for k95.exe you fill find some ftp and web sites which also
have executables of Kermit 95. 
You can also run MSDOS-Kermit in a Virtual Machine if you like.
Finally, I think you can also use the HyperTerm program from Windows XP on
later Windows versions.


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