VAXELN Datagram Service

Robert Jarratt robert.jarratt at
Sun Jan 24 03:34:33 CST 2016

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-bounces at] On Behalf Of Robert
> Jarratt
> Sent: 23 January 2016 19:33
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> <cctalk at>
> Subject: VAXELN Datagram Service
> I am doing a bit of VAXELN programming and I am trying to get the Datagram
> Service to only read packets of a certain EtherType, but unless I use
> promiscuous mode, nothing is read. Here is the relevant code:
>             form.format = ELN$K_NI_PTT;
>             form.mux.ptt = 0x0360;
>             mode = 0;
>             pad = 0;
>             eln$ni_connect(&status, &portalId,
> &dispatchPort, &form, NULL, &mode, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &pad);
> Anyone know why this might not return any packets at all when I wait on
> port?

My mind cleared overnight, and I realised what the problem is. To read the
packets I am interested in (DECnet), I need to tell the adapter the special
DECnet addresses and configure those as multicast addresses.

Problem solved.



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