Floppy recovery --> Harlan Ellison

jwsmobile jws at jwsss.com
Tue Jan 5 17:01:50 CST 2016

On 1/5/2016 2:03 PM, Jason Scott wrote:
> I threw it to 50-50 when I weighed in the possibility that he might find an
> organization willing to pay him something ridiculous to have the archive
> posthumously. If that doesn't happen, yeah, 90-10.
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 4:58 PM, Rich Alderson <
> RichA at livingcomputermuseum.org> wrote:
>> From: Jason Scott
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2016 1:53 PM

>> <snip>

>> meone who's dealt with Harlan Ellison on multiple fronts. I will
>> tell
>>> you the chances he will burn those drawers is 50-50.
>> Though I've never met him, I have friends who have worked for him.  We
>> would
>> put it at 90-10.
>>                                                                  Rich
>> Rich Alderson
I thought about him in the last few years as such as what has happened 
with Heinlein and the like being an example of not having your wishes 

He was certainly in fine form when he came to UCI so many years ago, and 
I recall vaguely that he was not going to leave anything of that 
behind.  I'd hope that as remarkable as his works have been that he does 
reconsider any decision to destroy the material.

I probably won't be around long enough to see anything meaningful come 
out of anyone trying to make sense of things, but he is definitely 
someone who puts out things that get your thought processes going.  And 
a 2 hour + lecture was good enough I still recall it these many years 
later.  It was really exciting to have read the things that I had before 
that time.  I only wish I'd have know of more of the Star Trek and other 
stuff that was and had recently happened near the time of the lecture to 
have brought that up.

I do know there were people who had followed him there that he put off 
discussing things with, and I suspect that was what they wanted to bring up.


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