Kim 1

drlegendre . drlegendre at
Wed Feb 17 21:44:18 CST 2016

Since the thread is still rolling..

Anyone on the US side have a KIM-1 they'd be willing to re-home? The SBCs
are right in my collecting niche, and I'd love to own a KIM or one of the
other 6502 / 8600 / Z-80 SBCs.

Up front, I'd most likely have to offer a trade or trade + cash for it.

On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 4:08 AM, Christian Corti <
cc at> wrote:

> On Wed, 17 Feb 2016, Jose Manuel wrote:
>> I have a Kim 1 board.
>> Please contact.
> So what? We have at least half a dozen KIM-1, some with expansion boxes,
> EPROM burners, memory extension, etc.
> ;-)
> Christian

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