AIX for IBM system 370

Guy Sotomayor ggs at
Mon Feb 1 22:27:40 CST 2016

On 2/1/16 7:58 PM, devin davison wrote:
> What machine would you recommend for the Linux route. The idea being to run
> the oldest machine possible.
> I was looking at AIX because it ran on one of the oldest ibm machines i
> could find.
> I see the big S/390 machines have pretty good linux support, but god, ill
> never find one around here. Pretty interesting big machines though.

The MP3000 had linux support.  They even had an option for the CPU to 
run linux.  It was
cheaper than the "normal" CPUs because it was configured to not be able 
to run the IBM OS's.

TTFN - Guy

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