Altair 680 Expansion Boards?

js at js at
Wed Dec 21 17:54:21 CST 2016

On 12/17/2016 1:23 PM, Stephen Pereira 
> I was (finally) lucky enough to acquire an Altair 680 back in November...

Is there any logic to the naming of 
these Altairs?   Wonder why it wasn't 
"Altair 8080" and "Altair 6800".   8800 
and 680 don't follow the same pattern.


Had MITS made other Altairs...

Altair 8800 = 8080
        8850 = 8085
        8860 = 8086
        8880 = 8088
        8286 = 80286
        8386 = 80386
        680  = 6800
        680  = 6809
        680  = 68000


- JS

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