HP1631D Logic Analyzer..Software???

Glen Slick glen.slick at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 16:34:25 CST 2016

On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 2:00 PM, Rik Bos <hp-fix at xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Glen,
> Are you sure it's the HP 82161 drive that's for the 82176A mini cassette and not the DC100 tapes.
> If it's the DC100 tape, it may be possible to read it with a HP-85 or an 9877A tape drive.
> It depends on the tape format if the tapes are readable on other systems.
> -Rik

I found the tape. It is a "MINI DATA CASSETTE":

Part number 10269-11014, "6809 INVERSE ASSEMBLER".

This page says the 82176A cartridges are extremely reliable and they
have been able to read every tape they have come accross:

I have no means to read and dump this tape myself.

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