Microvax II hardware not recognized

Jerry Weiss jsw at ieee.org
Thu Aug 18 18:25:07 CDT 2016

On Aug 17, 2016, at 10:37 PM, Douglas Taylor <dj.taylor4 at comcast.net> wrote:
> I've brought up a MicroVax II and installed VMS 5.5-2 on a SCSI2SD disk and it is fun to work with.  (I also installed openvms 7.2 without much drama)
> The problem I am having is that is has a TK50 tape drive and controller, but it never has shown up in the device list.  I even swapped in a different controller.
> The DHV11 did show up initially but has now disappeared from the device list.  Did I do this by removing boards and putting them back in?
> A RQDX2 board was put back in at a secondary CSR address and that shows up (it is connected to an RX50 which shows up in the device list).
> Does Autogen recognize new hardware?

If you are not familiar with the BA23 or BA123 enclosures, make sure you aren’t plugging the controllers in the PMI slots.    
This would be 1-3 CD on the BA23 and 1-4 CD on the BA213.  Things will be very unhappy if you accidentally do this.     

see http://decvax.50megs.com/doc/qbus/tutorial.html <http://decvax.50megs.com/doc/qbus/tutorial.html>


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