strangest systems I've sent email from

Jon Elson elson at
Mon Apr 25 11:39:52 CDT 2016

On 04/25/2016 09:38 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
> Oberon "not commercially viable"? That's a remarkably 
> foolish, short-sighted and ignorant thing to say. Oberon 
> is what Pascal grew up into, and I think a million-odd 
> Delphi programmers would have very strong words with you 
> that the Pascal family isn't commercially viable. And you 
> do know what Apple MacOS was originally written in, don't 
> you? I wrote about Oberon myself recently: 
Since FPC (Free Pascal Compiler) has been developed on 
Linux, maybe Pascal could have a resurgence.
I used it to port a couple of my programs from (Ughhh!) 
Borland Turbo Pascal for Windows to Linux, and it was a 
surprisingly painless job.  The only thing I notice is the 
error messages look exactly like Borland error messages on 
DOS.  (Error 132 at 1B7F sort of thing.)


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