Vintage Computer Festivals???

Fred Cisin cisin at
Mon Apr 18 15:08:04 CDT 2016

>> For VCF-West, I have a ridiculous amount of crap to dispose of
On Mon, 18 Apr 2016, Evan Koblentz wrote:
> Looking forward to seeing you there. I encourage you to sell as much as 
> possible in consignment as long as it's on-topic. :)

Q:  policy/attitude/preference:  At some swaps in the distant past, there 
were limits (dozen items?) posed on amount any one person could put in 
consignment.  Are you wanting to INCREASE the consignment volume?
I would love to just handoff a small station wagon full of stuff to THEM.

In the unlikely event that I can get organized (Hah!), am healthy (not 
likely), and can round up sufficient help and transport at the right times 
(not a chance), I have enough crap to fill many pallets.  Such as enough 
computer related books to fill >100 boxes (check archives for "FPUIB" for 
a start)   Severe storage shortages meant that I had to discard things 
such as the MicroPro PBM-1000s, . . .

Anybody here remember John Craig "Computer Swap America" at the San Jose 
fairgrounds?  (later squeezed out by "NW Computer Swap" at San Mateo, 
etc.)    Long ago, he and I had a chat and decided that the crap that I 
had at that time fell in between his categories of "commercial" V 
"Individual", so by mutual agreement, I alternated renting "commercial" 
and "individual" booths.  The commercial stuff (such as crates of 300 baud 
modems) is long gone.

Now it's all crap to get rid of.  Not ALL for free: very early 5150, but 
"upgraded" to silver colored power supply, etc., Epson QX-10, Sony SMC-70, 
Toshiba T300 (720K 5.25") MS-DOS but not very PC compatible (I patched 
PC-Write to run on it). . .

In addition to the computer stuff (VCF), I need to find venues for other 
crap, such as enlargers, stabilization processors, little motorized movie 
film processing tank, VW license plate light with backup lights, . . .

Grumpy Ol' Fred     		cisin at

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