Regarding Manuals

Jerome H. Fine jhfinedp3k at
Sat Sep 26 21:21:19 CDT 2015

 >Jerome H. Fine wrote:

> >Al Kossow wrote:
>> >On 9/25/15 9:57 AM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>>> If you whip up a list of what you've got, I'd be happy to check it 
>>> for you.
>> You REALLY want to check what Alan Frisbie has done this past year 
>> before spending
>> a lot of time on this. I see in alt.sys.pdp11 that he just listed an 
>> RT 5.6 manual
>> set on eBay. It is highly unlikely he would be selling it if it 
>> hasn't already been
>> scanned. 
> For anyone who is interested, the V05.06  RT-11  DOC set
> is IDENTICAL to the V05.07  RT-11  DOC set EXCEPT
> for the Release Notes.
> As far as I know, ALL of those manuals have been scanned
> into PDF files and are available for download.  In practice,
> that means there are two Release Notes manuals, one for
> V05.06 of RT-11 and another for V05.07 of RT-11.  And
> there is a single manual for the rest of the RT-11  DOC set
> manuals for both V05.06 of RT-11 and V05.07 of RT-11
> since Mentec made no changes at all to any of the V05.06
> RT-11 DOC set manuals EXCEPT for the Release Notes.
> If anyone would appreciate a link to the PDF files for these
> manuals, please ask.  I don't have it handy at the moment.
> But it should not be difficult to find the link again.

After much searching, I finally found a link to the V05.06 manuals:

What I was surprised to learn is that there is even a Volume 0 manual:
AA-M214D-TC RT-11 Quick Reference Manual
is the manual which is placed into this volume.

Also the Release Notes manual PDF file and that link are:

However, I have NOT been able to locate is a PDF for the
V05.07 RT-11 Release Notes.  That front page has the following


System  Release  Notes

Order Number  AA-5286M-TC

October 1998

This manual contains the technical changes made to the RT-11 Operating
System since Version 5.6 and supplemental Notes from the Version 5.6 Release
Notes applicable to this version.

Revision/Update Information:  This revised manual amends RT-11 System
                                               Release Notes AA-5286L-TC

Operating System:                   RT-11 Version 5.7

Computers & Communications

Number of Pages in each Section:

Pages i to ix
Pages 1-1 to 1-11
Pages 2-1 to 2-17
Pages 3-1 to 3-21
Pages 4-1 to 4-6
Pages A-1 to A-2
Pages B-1 to B-8
Pages C-1 to C-30
Pages D-1 to D-1
Pages E-1 to E-8


If anyone knows if the V05.07 RT-11 Release Notes manual has been
scanned and the PDF made available on the internet, a link to that location
would be appreciated.

Jerome Fine

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