Calcomp 1039 plotter docs?

simon simski at
Mon Sep 21 04:47:46 CDT 2015

Spot on. it HAS the 2114 ram chips. now to find replacements..

strange enough there are 12 positions for ram chips and two of them are 
left unpopulated: pos 1 and pos 7.

On 20-09-15 20:02, tony duell wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> we have a 1039 in our space with the user guide, but without any service
>> docs. Our specimen does not react to buttons except the reset and test
>> buttons. the four statusleds light up on a reset and after a second the
>> center two leds start blinking in sequence. paper and pens are loaded as
>> per the user guide.
> Silly question... It doesn't happen to use 2114 RAMs does it? If so, check and/or
> replace them. I've foudn such RAM in printers/plotters from many manufacturers
> and perhaps 90%+ of electronic problems are caused by them.
> -tony

Met vriendelijke Groet,

Simon Claessen

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