ISO 800-3827-10A_SunOS_Reference_Manual, part one

Josh Dersch derschjo at
Sat Sep 19 12:34:20 CDT 2015

On 9/18/15 2:16 PM, Al Kossow wrote:
> On 9/18/15 1:52 PM, Josh Dersch wrote:
>> I need to check my shelves for specifics, but I have a lot of SunOS
>> documentation for early releases (1.0-3.0 or so) -- I can scan it if you
>> don't already have it in the queue...
>> - Josh
> I don't have anything for 2.x
> There are directories up on bitsavers now for the releases that I have 
> some docs for
> Was there ever a release of SunOS 4.1.x documents as Postscript?

Checked my shelves last night, as far as stuff that doesn't overlap with 
what you already have: I have a doc set for SunOS 1.0, a few things for 
1.4, and a mostly-complete set for 2.0, along with a few bits of 
miscellanea.  I also have a ton of stuff for 3.0, I'll see if there's 
anything I have that isn't already on Bitsavers.

- Josh

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