punchcard svg file available

Chuck Guzis cclist at sydex.com
Thu Sep 10 18:22:52 CDT 2015

On 09/10/2015 03:54 PM, Fred Cisin wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Sep 2015, Joseph Lang wrote:
>> It takes that long because the clerks have no idea what tab does.
>> Watch somebody who does and see how fast they can fill in a form.
>> Mouse actually slows down data entry a lot.
> yes. Is there any reason why driver's license number couldn't be
> entered, to provide a filled in form of the previous data, subject
> only to changes?

That was the nub of my observation.  Absolutely *NO* previous 
information was displayed on the terminal screen.  The clerk had to 
enter what amounts to the information already in the database manually.

Insane.  The clerk that serviced me entered my SSN wrong three times in 
a row.


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