DEC Alpha 3000 Model 600

Rod Smallwood rodsmallwood52 at
Mon Sep 7 10:22:42 CDT 2015

Its got a PMAGB-B fitted in Turbochannel slot1 as per the 3000 600 user 
guide page 2-12 fig 2-8

Regards Rod

On 07/09/2015 14:48, Mark Wickens wrote:
> I was quite surprised about 8.3 supporting the DEC 3000/600 AXP, 
> however looking at the Quickspecs you appear to be right.
> However, I don't see any Turbochannel graphics adapters listed as 
> supported, only the following:
> Graphics Options
> ELSA/GLoria Synergy+ graphics option that provides 2D acceleration for 
> supported PCI-based
> Alpha Workstations and Servers.
> PowerStorm 300/500 graphics option that provides 3D acceleration or 3D 
> acceleration with
> stereo viewing capabilities for supported PCI-based Alpha Workstations 
> and Servers.
> 3DLabs OXYGEN VX1 graphics option that provides 2D acceleration for 
> supported PCI-based
> Alpha Workstations and Servers.
> ATI RADEON 7500 2D and 3D, PCI and AGP graphics option
> So you might be out of luck on that front.
> Mark.
> On 07/09/15 10:16, Rod Smallwood wrote:
>> I thought it might be nice to have a DEC based graphics work station.
>> I had the Alpha, a high res monitor and the Hobbyist Media CD for 
>> ALPHAVMS 8,3. (yes the system supports 8.3)
>> SFSG ..  So CD in the drive and switch on. First a nice colour 
>> graphics demo/test.
>> Then the nomal system level stuff. >>> prompt, enter SHO DEV and our 
>> CD drive shows as DKA400 just where it should be.
>> So Boot DKA400: and off we go. After a while a menu appears from 
>> which you can load  layered products you need.
>> It gets part way through the load and falls over with a data error. 
>> The cd is a real bought and paid for Media CD and is not a copy.
>> Before I do a lot of tedious emaling (HP have taken the Hobbyist 
>> program in house) has anybody successfully loaded an Alpha  with 
>> ALPHA VMS 8.3?
>> Regards
>> Rod

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