Cleaning out library, part 2

menadeau at menadeau at
Sat Sep 5 12:51:08 CDT 2015

Awhile ago, I offered some books for free to list members. Now I've got another list of books and other items I want to get rid of. Again, they are free to list members. All I ask it to pay shipping fees--most of this can be sent by media mail. First-come, first-serve. Happy to answer any questions about these items. 


Analog Devices Analog-Digital Conversion Handbook (1972) 

Artificial Reality (Krueger, Addison-Wesley, 1983 

Basic Microprocessors and the 6800 (Bishop/Motorola, Hayden Press, 1979) 

Complexification: Explaining a paradoxical world through the science of surprise (Casti, Harper Collins, 1994) 

Computer Selections: Reading in Data Processing and Computer Science (Benice, McGraw-Hill, 1971) 

Cyberstates 2001: A State-by-State Overview of the High Technology Industry (NASDAQ and American Electronics Association) 

Essential PC-DOS Second Edition (Shaw & Shaw, Sybex, 1985) 

Externally Defined Body Parts (Body Part 15) Issues and Recommendations: A White Paper Prepared for the PRMD Operators Committee of the Electronic Mail Association (Banan, EMA, 1993) 

Future Codes: Essays in Advanced Computer Technology and the Law (Karnow, Artech House,1994) 

Guidelines for Evaluating Computerized Instructional Materials (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1981 

High-Tech Espionage: How the KGB Smuggles NATO’s Strategic Secrets to Moscow (Tuck, St. Martins, 1986) 

Hyper-G Now Hyperwave the Next Generation Web SOlution (Maurer, Addison-Wesley, 1996) 

In Our Own Image: Building an Artificial Person (Caudill, Oxford Press, 1992) 

Machine Beauty: Elegance and the Heart of COmputing (Gelernter, Harper Collins,1997) This is an uncorrected proof copy 

Mastering Windows 98 (Cowart, Sybex, 1998) 

Microman: Computers and the Evolution of Consciousness ( Pask, MacMillan, 1982) 

Mind Tools: THe Five Levels of Mathematical Reality (Rucker, Houghton Mifflin, 1987) 

NetResults: Integrating the Internet into Your Business, Fall Workshop Proceedings, MIT Enterprise Forum, 1997 

Philips New Media Systems New Developments in Optical Media paper, 1990s 

Philips New Media Systems Philips in the Age of Optical Disc Media paper, 1990s 

Picture Perfect: Color Output for Computer Graphics (Tektronix, 1991) 

Science Technology and the First Amendment Special Report (US Congress Office of Technology Assessment, 1988) 

Solid State Circuit Guidebook (Ward, Tab Books, 1974) 

Tandy Corporation: Start on a Shoestring (West, 1968) 

Teach Yourself the Internet and WOrld Wide Web Visually (maranGraphics, IDG Books, 1997) 

The Fifth Generation: Artificial Intelligence and Japan’s Computer Challenge to the World, Fiegenbaum & McCorduck, Addison-Wesley, 1983) 

The Future Does Not Compute: Transcending the Machines in Our Midst (Talbott, O’Reilly, 1995) 

THe Playful World: How Technology is Transforming Our Imagination (Pesce, Ballantine Books, 2000) 

The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit (Turkle, Simon & Schuster, 1984) 

Using Supercalc 5 2nd Edition (Lateer, Que, 1989) 

Using Wordperfect 3rd Edition (Beacham & Beacham, Que, 1987) 


Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.2 Reference 

Transistor Manual, Light-Weight Edition (GE, 1969) 

Voltage Regulator Handbook (National Semiconductor, 1975) 

Westinghouse Series 100 Programmable Solid State Control Users Guide 1975 


80 Micro 1980-1981-1982 Permuted Index 

Argonne National Laboratory Zero Gradient Synchotron folder. Contents are Argonne HR material, not about the Synchotron. 

Cybertown online community presentation in folder with floppy of images, 1990s. 

Instant Software 3-ring binder, plastic, empty 

Jade Computer newsprint catalog winter 1988 


Arche Technologies computer line, large format 

Borland Turbo Lightning, unused 

Borland Word Wizard, unused 


Battery Disk 2.07. Untested 5.25” floppy, for PC 

Qmodem, 1990s, 5.25” floppy and manual still in shrink wrap, for PC 

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