MicroVAX 3800 DSSI Issues

Kyle Owen kylevowen at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 15:13:17 CDT 2015

I can boot to VAX/VMS 5.4-2, but on startup, I see this message:

%DCL-E-OPENIN, error opening DUB0:[RS1R4]RS1LOG.COM; as input
-RMS-E-DNR, device not ready, not mounted, or unavailable
%DCL-E-OPENIN, error opening DUB0:[ORACLES]ORAUSER.COM; as input
-RMS-E-DNR, device not ready, not mounted, or unavailable
%DCL-E-OPENIN, error opening DUB0:[ECMS4]LOGIN.COM; as input
-RMS-E-DNR, device not ready, not mounted, or unavailable

Okay, so DUB0: isn't mounted, I guess.

ROHIT1$ show dev

Device                  Device           Error    Volume         Free
 Trans Mnt
 Name                   Status           Count     Label        Blocks
Count Cnt
R7CY2A$DIA0:            Mounted              0  VMS54_2DISK     173289
134   1
ROHIT1$DUB0:            Online               0
ROHIT1$DUB1:            Online               0
ROHIT1$DUC10:           Online               0

Device                  Device           Error    Volume         Free
 Trans Mnt
 Name                   Status           Count     Label        Blocks
Count Cnt
ROHIT1$MUA0:            Online               0

Device                  Device           Error
 Name                   Status           Count
FTA0:                   Offline              0
OPA0:                   Online               0
TWA0:                   Offline              0

Device                  Device           Error
 Name                   Status           Count
IKA0:                   Offline              0
IMA0:                   Offline              0
INA0:                   Offline              0
PTA0:                   Online               1
PUA0:                   Online               1
PUB0:                   Online               2
PUC0:                   Online               2
PYA0:                   Offline              0
SJA0:                   Online               0
SJA1:                   Online               0
WSA0:                   Offline              0
XQA0:                   Online               0

Looks like they're online but not mounted. If I'm reading the help pages
correctly, I should just be able to mount it at this point:

ROHIT1$ mount dub0: disk0
%MOUNT-F-INCVOLLABEL, incorrect volume label
-MOUNT-I-VOLIDENT, label = 'USER01      ', owner = '            ', format =
FILE11B  '

I tried giving it the correct label, but it still didn't seem to mount. Now
I wanted to see if the MSCP server is running:

ROHIT1$ show device/served
       MSCP-Served Devices on ROHIT1  1-SEP-2015 10:55:19.39

                                             Queue Requests
Device:           Status      Total Size     Current    Max     Hosts
%SHOW-E-MSCPNOTLD, MSCP-Server code not loaded

No, it doesn't look like it...so getting back to the >>> prompt, I do a bit
more investigation:

>>>show dev
UQSSP Disk Controller 0 (772150)
-DUA0 (RF71)

UQSSP Disk Controller 1 (760334)
-DUB0 (RA81)
-DUB1 (RA81)

UQSSP Disk Controller 2 (760340)
-DUC10 (RA81)

UQSSP Tape Controller 0 (774500)
-MUA0 (TK70)

Ethernet Adapter 0 (774440)
-XQA0 (08-00-2B-17-3F-37)

I should be able to get to the PARAMS> prompt now:

>>>set host /dup/uqssp/disk 1 params
Starting DUP server...

UQSSP Disk Controller 1 (760334)

Stopping DUP server...

Or not? Why can't I seem to get to the prompt? I can with disk 0:

>>>set host /dup/uqssp/disk 0 params
Starting DUP server...

UQSSP Disk Controller 0 (772150)
Copyright 1988  Digital Equipment Corporation

PARAMS> show allclass

Parameter     Current           Default        Type     Radix
--------- ----------------  ----------------  --------  -----
ALLCLASS                 0                 0      Byte    Dec   B


Can't seem to get to PARAMS> with disk 2 or tape 0 either. Only disk 0
seems to work.

Can anyone provide any suggestions? I'd like to see what else is on the
system. Pictures here: http://imgur.com/a/WYGra



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