FW: The last fix for a "All Shook Up" 33

Randy Dawson rdawson16 at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 27 12:34:21 CDT 2015

(pictures removed)
From: rdawson16 at hotmail.com
To: greenkeys at mailman.qth.net
Subject: The last fix for a "All Shook Up" 33
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2015 23:14:45 -0700

Wayne (ttyparts.com) and I had a disaster of a shipment on a ASR33, Fed Ex Ground did us no favors.

In spite of a handcrafted wooden case, clearly marked UP arrows and FRAGILE, these guys tossed this thing around.
The printer shipping bolts were installed.  I told Wayne, are you sure you put them in?  because I could not find them.
There they were, in the bottom of the crate, sheared off.  Obviously they dropped and tumbled his custom TTY wood crate, that he has used for years.

HERE IS key is stuck, the printer rammed into the keyboard and bent it horizontal and vertical, fixed that.
Wayne sent a test tape and we verify the printer is OK.
Keys still do not print the correct letters, and tonight I find an actuator wire on the keyboard is broken.

If anybody ships a TTY, I recommend this:  Make the box a, 3x, 4x  TTY sized  double wall cardboard box, filled with peanuts, and the TTY nestled in the core of the surrounding peanut cushion.  They are going to shake and drop it, and all that foam and peanut will give the printer a cushion and lower the G's the TTY and printer will experience.  An 'UP ARROW' means nothing, nor does 'FRAGILE'

Wayne's idea of a strong wood crate may have worked in the past, but today, it means 'don't care' this thing is packed for rough handling, they will toss it, drop it, tumble it because it is heavy as shit, and this wood case looks like it is built for this abuse.

Wayne is a super guy, and I highly recommend anybody buying teletypes work thru him.  he completely redid my machine, took it down for a total refurbrishment, and built it back up.  Weeks of testing and alighnment too.  This guy is the best - and I can attest to this on all the time he has spent recovering from the shipping guys to get me online



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