Substituting DSHD for DSDD disks (or DS2D if you prefer)
Mon Oct 26 03:04:06 CDT 2015
and the first hp-150 drive set, the hp-9121, was single sided double
density SS/DD discs (270Kb).
sure was glad when the 9122 came out!
Always looking for more HP-150 stuff for our display... any one have a
monarch butterfly advertising poster?
Ed# _www.smecc.org_ (
In a message dated 10/26/2015 12:52:56 A.M. US Mountain Standard Tim,
cclist at writes:
On 10/25/2015 11:12 PM, tony duell wrote:
> Not always! The original Sony full-height drives (the 600rm ones)
> have a disk-inserted sensor positioned exactly where that hole is. So
> if you insert an HD disk the drive doesn't detect it. It is rumoured
> this was deliberate (positioning of the HD hole) so that you couldn't
> use the wrong disks and have reliability problems.
Yes, the Sony OA-D32 drives. Single-sided 600 RPM. One *could* argue,
that, given the data rate, it's already "high density" (of a sort). I
worked out a BIOS for a Z80 CP/M system called a Preis around 1982, when
the drive was pretty new. It was a luggable and had a hard disk option
as well. I don't know whatever became of them--but I still have the
BIOS listing in my files.
I don't think that anyone had any thoughts about putting such a drive in
with a controller that would do 1Mbps. Sony never alluded to it in
their documentation.
The battle of the "pocket floppies", IIRC, hadn't yet been settled in
1982. We could just as well have wound up with the Shugart/Dysan 3.25"
floppy--or worse, the Hitachi 3" disks as used in the Amstrad machines.
I've still got a couple of 3.5" ED drives, along with blank media--there
was a trend that didn't last long...
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