Substituting DSHD for DSDD disks (or DS2D if you prefer)

Chuck Guzis cclist at
Sun Oct 25 00:01:42 CDT 2015

On 10/24/2015 09:06 PM, Eric Christopherson wrote:

> Fascinating -- I didn't know there were AC and DC magnetic fields.
> How strong is "very strong", and would the library device I mentioned
> count toward "an AC erase"? Should I assume that just doing an AC
> erase would be insufficient?

The AC unit I use is a VHS tape bulk eraser.  It's pretty strong and has 
a limited working time--maybe 2-3 minutes before the thermal cutout 
interrupts.  Let it cool for a few minutes and get back to work.

How strong a DC erase?  I suppose that one of these magnets could well 
lift a 100 lbs.  Scary strong.


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