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Chris Elmquist chrise at
Thu Oct 15 22:13:17 CDT 2015

Sorry, _the_ story is about Cray 1 which had upholstered seats.  Cray 2 was not as comfortable.

On October 15, 2015 10:06:43 PM CDT, Chris Elmquist <chrise at> wrote:
>However, apparently the comfy cushions of the Cray were not so
>inhospitable to one pair of mammals that consummated their relationship
>on them in a certain MN data center during one late night shift.  There
>_IS_ a story...
>On October 15, 2015 4:53:15 PM CDT, Chuck Guzis <cclist at>
>>On 10/15/2015 02:09 PM, Rod Smallwood wrote:
>>> Contrary to your remaks I did not  lose a lover.
>>A Cray 2 ("bubbles") or an ETA-10  (liquid nitrogen) would be equally 
>>inhospitable to any mammal trying to live in one.
>>I recall visiting the Honeywell (used to be GE) plant in Phoenix 
>>sometime in the early 70s.  On the test floor, I explored e
>>system residing in a series of open racks placed within a cosmetic 
>>I could have easily pitched a tent amount the electronics.

Chris Elmquist

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